my cuppy cakes..muahh muahh comel gyle dis boy.!!muahh!!:P
yeah..u go girl..u go girl..!!!muahhh muahhhhh love u syg=)
Irdina..u r such a wonderful girl..!!!:P
ucapan dari wakil graduan..awesome..!!!=)
The best top 3 award of `u' bestari..=)
PUTERI BESTARI 2008..congrates princess!:P
huh..gyle teharu her mom...yah yah..chill=)
waaa..nk hamper jgak....!!!ahaksss=)
PUTERA BESTARI 2008..!!Good job syg..!!:P
wow..his parents were juz like..SHOCKED!!:p
BEST ENGLISH STUDENT 2008=)congrates!:P
my cousin..SUPERB!:p
ahahaha..nurin always make me laugh..!!!:P
my dearest mummy n daddy wth kids..=)=)
my beloved dad is on the stage..muahhh=)
si comel yg syg die oke..=)
melissa si comel..agagaggagaggaa ngaum..!!:P
nisa`s chocho..plg hawt kat tadika si comel ni=)
my mom n the guess of honour wth kid=)
ahahhaa..she`s more active than me ok=)my syg..
my hero..muahhhh :P
otai2 u bestari nie..ahakss...=)
Oooo yes..!!bestari..!!!!!=)
senior bace doa..muahhh AQEEL..!!:p
ahaaa..yg pkai unifrom skool tu kira junior la=)
adik-adikku yg superb=)
warghhhhhhh..!!wat a was juz like a..huh..WOWWWW...mmg best gyle oke..and all the kids were juz like..huh..superb meh..!!omg!im addict to the kids oke..!al maklumla x de ble jmpa kids2 ni rase mcm..eeeeeeeeee geramnye..eeeeeeee..cubit gyle at 1st..eventhough kene bgn awal after subuh..huh..ikotkan haty nk tdo my mom`s nye g gak la..huhu..n guest wat.."im the master of the ceremony ok"(MC)dont play2 ha...huhuhuh my mom said i did a great job oke..ahaksss..hehehehhe..bngga oke..ahakss..huh..act pns gyle kne pkai tudung..kod..huh!tudung lak mcm lawa plak pakaikan..senget bengets..eeeee..gram 1st..student2 da dtg kul 8 pg da..huhuhu dorg kiss my chick ok..eeeeeeee best gyle..comel je sume..huhu yg comel2 la best ambk gmba..ahakss..jht function tu mmg super duper WOWww la..!!!professional gyle..sya pon x pnh dpt bnda2 ni time kids dlu lak jd kids kan..agagagagaa..huhu so bt warga2 tua sekalian..mimpi2 jela k nk jd kids..da tua da leh bt..ahahhaha jgn mare babe..!!huhu there`s some pics here..enjoy watch it..!!:Ppeace....!!=D=D=D=D=D=D==D=D=D
si tudung biru tu dak tadika skali ek :D
nice blog.
kalu free..
masuk la blog i lak ek.
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