Outting with ma beshtie,,~!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

konon2 kat overseas la..pdhal pavi jer..hoho:P

alololo..suke je die..tgk r sape lyn die kan..ehem2..hehe comel gyle..!!

comel gyle budak ni..rase nk ciom je smpai lebam..!!

ahahhaa..gyle happening ouh..!!teruja seh..!!:p

omg..!!rase nk jd kids blk je meh..!!nak nak nak nak..!!:P

fara si mat salleh celup celup..!!!keriangan lah kami..!!:P

agak blur..tp smart..gyle fun..!!:P

aku je yg excited lbh..dorg mmg hati kering weyh..ahakss:P

3 sekawan mmburu impian:P:Pawww~

sis ni kan..muke nk serius je..ketepek kang senyum kambing tros..grrrr:P

konco2 hantu rider..ahaksss:Psuami sape la ni eisya pinjam..bahhahahaaa:P

merry chrismas..hoho..!!!

kami single..buy 1 free 1..bahahhaa awwww~waklu:P

lelong2..i mean bebola bowling tu..not u warul..sorry:PPhehe:P

<---with fara the ngek ngok:P
<----with waruL(the tudung`s gurl)

Actual date is on 29 november 2008..act nk kua gyle semngat kul 10.00 pg..lek2..si fara bru bgn kul 10.00a.m..x tdo lak minah ni memlm..si warul lak bgn nk awl..adesss...hehe yg sya lak..4sure la lmbat..ahakss..n pity gyle dorg kne tnggu sya siap..hehe sorry guys..love u muahh muahh..then..thn taxy..omg..!!seriously teruja gyle nek taxi an old chinese man around 58 to 62..
bwk...adoiiiiiii..i ask him to send us at LRT ampang..but then..die g pusing balik ampang point..adoii..bwk kete..perghhh...act 5 minit pon da leh smpai...ni..agak stgh jam gak r..kiteorg kat blkg da gelak2 da...adess..grandpa2..papepun..mmmg suspect hbs la..coz u have dat patient,,,hehe chayok2..kiteorg g TS(time square la) dlu..coz warul nk jmpa mmbe lama die lak..dak STF(sekola tun fatimah) tu..jgn men2..sso bg la chance lpskan kerinduan tu..kang mngidam lak..act warul ni pon same skola ngn kiteorg,,but then die msk teknik kL..antra teknik yg wow gak r..huhu..so mcm alim gak r minah ni now..n sya pon..trase gak r nk jd mcm die..yup i will..but i need times to change meh..bkn simply je sng2 kan nk ttp aurat n so on tu..i will i will..4get about it..then..da happy2 kat sne..kiteorg g tgk wayng..cite TWILIGHT..mule2 sya rase mcm mls je nk tgk..but then si fara x hbs2 ckp best2..so..mcm teringn gak la nk watch dat movie..mmg best gyle weh.!!agk jiwang meh..tp vampire`s story..omg!I wish i wish one day..i would have a guy juz like dat vampire..edward cullen..hehe..muahh!!!sweet gyle meh..then..after tu..g pavi..kat pavi ni mmg gyle besh r..!!main2 ala2 snow kat shrismass tree tu..happening gyle..guess wat..!!my myspace`s fren saw me at pavi..!!i was like..huh??die ym la..act..kwn die la kate..comel la dat gurl yg pkai cap pink tu..hehe...i taw...haha..btw..kwn ms i ni..kite describe die as si `K` ok..then si k kate la..eh..mc familiar gyle la dat gurl..dat die tringt my name..die ckp r..nasha la name die..pls:wak lu la nasha..haha aca2 nasha aziz je..haha nasyrah btw..then he ask his fren to call my name...then kwn die jerit la..SYA.!!!!!!!!!!tekejut gak sya time tu..pandng gak dorg..tp bt bodo je dorg..ciss!!pandai lak voverline..so ingt dorg pnngl mmbe dorg..bt bodo jla..ahakss then dorg ni mcm.eh btol la die..usha2 lak kat ctu..ahaksss sya lak men snow tu ngn ade 1 baby boy comel gyle n ma frens..hehe..after tu blk meh..mmbuta..gyle penat tp happening..act..my beshtie lg sorg x de..si yaya comel..yaya i miss u oke..muahh muahh..tp fara n warull...thankz meh..coz make my day super duper wow~~theres some pics wheres we have our fun together..hyper2..n full of excitement..!!:Pawwwww~~~

Family day....=)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Genting highlands to The ships restaurant which is located at kg baru..sdp gak lak kat sne but unfortunately my steak does not satisfy my satisfaction...ok fine..grrrr..the sauce quite tasty but the meet wat like..!!omg !!!its damm hard oke..!!!huh..act..dinner ni utk celeb besday my bro..tp boleh lak sume lupe..dlm kete bru my mom teringt..so juz bg gift kat die n sang a besday song to him..then..smpai2 uma je..our neighbours said ruma kite org bru je pas kne msk pncuri..adoyaiii..mcm2..then report polis n dat inspector came to our house n investigate la ape yg ptt..im damm tired dat time so i decided to land on my bed..n....DREAMING!!bahahahhaha..mls nak cte panjang2..today i upload gmba kat gntng dlu..nanti2 upload gmba dinner lak k..weeeeeeeeee=)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

its me lol..!!hantu japan?hantu japan pon hantu japan la...weeeeee:P

super duper gojes=)

ahaksss cam je!:P

the whity gurls>33

the abg kuat bebel>33

the jaja..beshtie>33

the sifu=)

the camera man=)

juju tthe lawa=)

with sis cha..my syg>33

si gedik2 yg hawt=)


my kakak comel with her frens=)

jaja..sis cha..aimon...bro daus>33

ahakss..sume stat bt prangai=)

konon2 models la..plg sumo eisya=)haha:P

the lawa2 gurls=)

aha....!!!kan hari tu sya da cte psl reheasal kan kan kan..on 18th hari tu.event yg sebebenananye=)wow..sultan pon dtg meh..timbln pm..dato farid..v.v.i.p sume dtg..kire wow gak r..best gyle dat day...meet new frens..new people..wow gak r..huhu...act bkn penat pe..penat bediri je tunjuk direction kat v.v.i.p so..i make a move la..guide the v.v.i.p to corparote hospitality..ahakss..dr duduk melongok je..ahaaaksss..i meet my deary sis cha there..siap kiss2 meh..awww~then..abg daus ngn aimon pon dtg..besh2..aimon r dekut tol..nak bola tennis tu pon bekire...bg jla...grrrrrrrr...hoho..sedih toL..bole tu act..4 pemain tennis tu baling kat audience..so sape dpt kire nasib la..omg!!sya suke gyle tgk roger federer main..gyle gmpak meh..i like his smile..make me melt babe..!!hoho..ahaa..dorg ade jual bola taw..siza bola tu mcm bola sepak..tp jns bbole tennis..smart gyle..siap leh bump2 meh..tp 50 bucks..!!mahal tol..huk3..yah yah..act yg plg happening sessi begmba la..sume mcm gyle cam including me=)hoho...best gyle r..pantng je npk cam..n org2 lua pon ambk gmba kiteorg..tgk kegilaan kite org yg mcm vodo2..haha...btw..!!i really2 enjoyit!!:Ppictures picturess=)

Reheasal day..dotdot..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

weeeeeeeeee..today..at 4pm..all the official event usherrers will all gather at stadium bkt jalil 4 the full reheasal..ahakss..yah..sume kne fully make up n so the attire too..no wonder la my face da mcm HANTU JAPAN..ok fullstop here..hehe..tu baru sikit je..the real2 event day is on dis 18th which is the next tuesday..haha..tnggu lah..omg!!!bkn sume kot yg dtg..mcm b4 reheasal ni..ade plak yg kne reject2 n so on..perghhh x leh blah oke..nsb bek ade sis cha..haishhh..then..td..kiteorg kne brief la mcm2 ngn one lady ni..speaking londonnye..haha..mcm2 la rules nye..n my job bnyk la kne ingat haha..act simple je cume kalo nervous tu la..adesss..yah..x dpt ambk bnyk pic..bz dat day..tp ade camera man ambk..mcm mane tah nk ambk pic tu..ahakss..weeeeee...lihatlah gamba gmba gmba ini ini ini=)weeee;P

Snow Effect